This page is designed to show you what I’m currently working on at this phase in my life.
This year’s goal is to mix/master 24 of my own songs. To write 24 short stories. Finish 24 pages in my sketchbooks. Write & publish 24 articles. Release multiple books. Create binaural beats hypnosis audio’s for clients.
Writing, a lot of time spent writing. 7 non fiction book ideas, 4-5 fiction. Wrote a lot of fictional short stories from the same world while planning the outline for a book series. Writing 2 non-fiction books, hit writers block with the larger one when mercury went retrograde. Picked up some more VIP coaching clients, high earning individuals. Been developing a lot spiritually, I can communicate with past relatives with ease, I’m receiving communication from spirit many times on a daily basis. I’ve deepened my studies into astrology I’m now fully convinced that the power of the planets is undeniable. Collecting stories from my life compiling them together to see what I can share with you all that would be beneficial – my life really has been like a movie in the best and worst of ways. Looking forward to eventually posting on here. Clearing old e-commerce stock so I can make a small workshop for my staff to start creating orgone. Planning out the renovation of my music studio so that I can dedicate the room solely to music production and get back to mastering my first 2 albums. Developing my vocals, Mc-ing and singing in the shower constantly. The futures looking bright. Had bouts of insomnia waking up at 11pm-1am and starting my day way beyond a reasonable time. I operate on 4 hours sleep absolutely fine, I look 10 years younger than my actual age. Thats the power of kundalini, the fountain of youth. Numerology, respect the numbers, I’ve witnessed absolute horror happening to people on 7 days. I’ve enjoyed watching Karma play out, a builder crossed us and in the space of 8 weeks he’s had 4 van breakdowns, his nan rushed to hospital, his arm broken, all his staff quitting on him, damaged main power cables. I’ve witnessed tremendous bad luck from bad Feng Shui, I’m stunned at the laws of the universe playing out in front of me. Nature always wins.
Obsessed with writing my my non fiction book about reclaiming power over the mind, body & soul. Brainstorming bonus’s, newsletter sequences & giveaways. Writing scripts and comics based around my avatar while I get my sketching skills up to scratch. Planning a fictional novel and reading fiction for the first time after reading 600+ non-fiction books. Clearing the last of my e-commerce stock so i can focus on educational products, art, merchandise so I can get back into mixing and mastering my studio albums. Trying to kick an addiction to learning, i’m obsessed to the point where its possibly destructive, when something crosses my path that peaks my curiosity, i simply cannot settle until I understand. Journalling my spiritual awakening, all the psychic occurrence’s and angelic intervention, when you look back at the path it becomes undeniable that there’s a greater force at play. Started studying the metaphysical and astrological secrets of the Holy Bible, absolutely fascinating. Test integration of products on my store, merchandise that will be released with my music later on.
Planning my first book idea, organising content. Had problems in the studio, random tracks on all my projects were all suddenly out of key, had to analyse every track, plugin, midi, channel strip, automation on every project. I’d spend an hour fixing a single midi then something else would be out of key, after endless wasted hours it turned out my pitch wheel on an old keyboard had been altered & was pitching everything, set me back so much and caused me to move multiple tracks into an archive. Testing art designs on merchandise and testing suppliers, the quality and durability of the print. Organised my note system 3000+ educational notes i’ve stored over the past 10-15 years. Had a kundalini awakening, suddenly have psychic abilities and spent weeks and weeks trying to confirm I hadn’t gone bat-shit-crazy. Planning how I can write articles that are SEO friendly but also interesting compared to all the other content that bows down to google. Found tons of my old headlines that may seem better as newsletter emails such as – “Red Velvet Branding Secrets”, “The Rise Of The Spartan Warrior & The Sacrificial Lambs”, “Parasitic Feedback Loops Of The Mind” all which will never be searched or likely found on google, I refuse to be Google’s bitch so thinking of a workaround. Found my first ever marketing products from when I was 17 – “Confessions Of A Lucid Marketer” & “Rabid Conversion Secrets” curious to what and who I studied back then so I can emulate my old writing style. Picked up art again, which i loved in school but my teacher never gave me any attention, its something I loved but didn’t get positive support so I stopped after school.